So last week, I went on trek. i hated it. No seriously, I did. I'm pretty sure my parents are about to shoot me today too. At family home evening, they asked me to talk about all the "spiritual experiences that happened to me at trek." I didn't have any. Then they asked if, "knowing what I know (or is is know, i don't get it) would i go back onto trek." to which I replied, "not on your life." Those were not the answers that they were expecting.....oh well.
On trek, I gained a reputation for a stomach healer. While on choir tour, Zoe Wilde taught me a very grand thing. You can make upset stomachs go away, simply by rubbing them. You see, this works because you get the satisfaction of knowing that someone cares enough about you to rub your stomach. I will rub anybodies stomach, I love doing it for some reason. Kaari McIntire also taught me another way to heal upset stomachs, but I only use that as a last resort.
Tomorrow I am going to the Eclipse midnight showing. Don't mock me. I am so excited. Me, Haley Hillstead, and Candice Davis have started a tradition of going to the midnight showings of all the twilight movies, and mocking them loudly while they are showing. People basically want to shoot us by the end of the movies, because we are insulting the fanatics the whole time. The best part about those movies is that they are CHALK full of Thats What She Said jokes. I am in heaven basically.
Everyone is getting sick. Poor Holly threw up her guts today, and I have some other friends that have some sort of stomach flu. Kaari basically died on the last day of trek, and she also threw up. Throw Up doesn't bother me. Crap does. I sound like a seal begging for a fish at Sea World, and I speak like a 900 hooker. My favorite thing to say out loud lately is, "Hey sugar. Wanna have some fun?" Yes, sounding like a hooker is great fun. Well, Holly, I hope this was entertaining enough for you. And Jessy Russell, I love you and thanks for your help today. Peace and blessings. Peace and blessings.